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- Each member of the Club shall keep accurate and complete records of all his stock, their matings, and pedigree. Under no circumstances shall registration papers be falsified or pedigree information be misrepresented.
- With each dog sold, the breeder shall furnish a signed registration application or transfer and a four generation pedigree. If a dog is sold without registration papers because of undesirable qualities, both buyer and seller must sign a statement indicating such an agreement.
- Breeding shall be done selectively and scientifically by mating stud and matron so as to reduce faults and secure in puppies the type, quality, and temperament called for in the breed standard.
- Dogs that are excessively shy, those with malocclusion, congenital hip dysplasia, with entropion or ectropion eyelids, or cryptorchidism (monorchidism) shall not be used as breeding stock. Any person using stock of this quality or breeding from lines with these faults has the right to and/or duty of disclosure.
- A bitch shall not be bred more often than two out of three heats or prior to one year of age.
- With the sale of each puppy or dog, the breeder shall give written statement regarding dates and types of shots already administered as well as those still required and written or verbal instructions on the care of the dog, feeding, health, needs, and grooming tips. The purchaser shall be advised to place the dog under veterinary supervision at an early date. All puppies shall have health check-ups, serum shots, or vaccine against distemper, hepatitis, and leptospirosis, and be de-wormed before being released to the purchaser.
- Breeders shall concern themselves with the type of home offered the puppy and shall be discriminating regarding to whom their puppies are sold. Because the commercial breeding of dogs as a sales item is deplored, since improvement of quality ceases to be a breeding aim, stock is not to be sold or placed with a dealer or a pet shop. Should a personal emergency situation arise making it impossible to place puppies with the proper individual supervision, members shall assist the distressed breeder who has bred selectively. Neither should members buy litters or individual dogs purely for the purpose of resale.
- All advertising must be factual. It is not worded so as to attract undesirable buyers or to encourage raising dogs merely as a money making scheme. Breeders shall give consideration to code seven before supplying dogs for raffles, give-aways, prizes, or other such projects.
- Good sportsmanship shall be expected not only in the show ring but outside as well.
- Membership in Paper Cities Kennel Club indicates approval of this Code of Ethics and a willingness to comply with its provisions. Any just complaint shall be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors and the situation will be thoroughly investigated. All parties concerned will be heard by the Board of Directors.